Photo Cred: The artwork above was produced collaboratively by Holly and photographer Eric Cucciaioni. Holly generated the background using DALL-E 3, while Eric was responsible for capturing the photograph and integrating the elements using Photoshop.

Generative AI Creative

Generative AI in the creative field refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, often in forms like images, music, text, or even video, based on the data they have been trained on.

Check out the images below that have been created with DALL-E 3 technology.

What's the reason for featuring two Ford Mustangs in the first image below?

When I was just an infant, my father owned a 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1, and today, he's behind the wheel of the latest Ford Mustang Mach 1.

Why Generative AI for Creative?

Focusing on the visual aspect of generative AI involves diving into a fascinating and rapidly evolving field where artificial intelligence is used to create visual content. This can range from digital art and graphic designs to realistic images and even animations. Focusing on visual generative AI allows me to be at the forefront of a blend of technology and art, where the potential for innovation and creativity is vast and continuously expanding.